Is the church lady sexy if she is then her if not the squirrel, at least I'll die laughing my *** offWould you rather be trapped on a desert island with the Church Lady or a drug abusing squirrel?
drug abusing squirrel i'm taking a guess this church lady is really old and won't be much help but the squirrel that is fun
Squirrel - no contest.
Drug abusing squirrel. No brainer.
mmmm....that is a hard question. I think I would take the squirrel. Something smaller than me so I could control
P.s. did you notice I stayed off 3 whole days!!! I am getting better. sorta
1.) What kind of drugs?
2.) Does he share?
The squirrel. Keep him off the crack and on the chronic, you could have some really deep conversations with him.
You need to pass the time on that desert island.
The church lady. Why since I am not Christian? I would have someone to talk to and maybe we could even have some in depth conversations about both of the religions.
The squirrel, no question.
It wouldn鈥檛 be proper to eat a Church Lady.
drug abusing squirlle... because then i'd jack his drugs! muhahahhahahahhahaha
the squirrel,any day
is the church lady hot looking ?
is the drug abusing squirrel using cocaine ?
I only have to pick one??
No fair.
I would rather be trapped on the desert island with the Church Lady rather than a drug abusing squirrel because of the drugs. Who knows what drugs the squirrel could be on? Different drugs have different effects.
However, if the drugs are Doctr perscribed, then it wouldn't matter which one I would be stranded with because neither one could hurt me.
Who are these people?
Where do these kind of questions come from????
I would take the squerrill...It would be a hilarious experience.
The least you can reason with him/her!!
The drug abusing squirrel on one condition... if he doesn't share I eat him... sounds like a compromise to me.
The squirrel. He's funny at least some of the time.
The squirrel. Why? Because he would be able to find food and could be trained to share. Best wishes
LMAO!!! I choose the latter.
I have not made my mind up yet but that last question by the Church Lady was really good.
The Church Lady (you go girl)
the squirrel maybe he'll share
Um, I think I would rather just say Satan every few minutes than deal with a Squirrel going through withdrawal (its a desert island, not likely to be much of the drug eh?). Just my overly-practical answer.
Drug abusing squirrels are actually great in bed. So I hear :)
drugs? squirrel? oh baby im there =]
to the church
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