Saturday, January 16, 2010

How can you prevent the North American Grey Squirrel from blundering into mole traps?

English reds have a natural aversion to mole traps whereas the grey seems intent on impaling itself on the barbs.How can you prevent the North American Grey Squirrel from blundering into mole traps?
Paint a white stripe on its back!How can you prevent the North American Grey Squirrel from blundering into mole traps?
As one of our presidential candidates said, ';the time has come to bring all mammals together in perfect harmony.'; We can do this through direct and immediate negotiation--or we can just let them kill each other and step out of the way.
I wish the squirrels and moles could all get along. Poor squirrels!
put up signs.
Tell him to avoid the ground at any cost and just travel along the tree tops.

Hope this helped,

...but I know it didn't.
Travel along the cables in the sky. I have always wondered what the squirrels are thinking when I am at a red light in my car and look up and there is a squirrel traveling across the wires like it is nothing. Love, honey
Squirrels is as squirrels does.
try garlic lol
I just gotta weigh in here, and say, ';I love this mole-girl...more than apple butter or American Pie. ';

Mr. Squirrel, I trust you'll treat her well, and let her go off on you now and two get a room and practice unconditional love on each other for don't need a condom for it...

Everybody's got a right to be wrong now and then...

and as long as it's just a rodent rift, let's not take ourselves too virtually seriously here...
Tell him to go to to the Liposuction%26amp;Copycat section.

But he'll be back for more.
They both taste good on toast. That's all I'll say.

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