Saturday, January 16, 2010

Is it illegal in Indiana to trap squirrels and relocate them to other areas?

A relatives neighbor in Indiana traps squirrels in their backyard and then relocates them to a woodsy area. She even traps squirrels in the common area of the subdivision.

While my relative has no problems with her neighbor doing this in summer, she has a real problem with her doing it in the winter. After all they no longer have their nests and their nuts and food stored up for the winter. This winter especially has been harsh.Is it illegal in Indiana to trap squirrels and relocate them to other areas?
From Indiana Department of Natural Resources

';A resident landowner or tenant may take, using legal methods, and without a permit, a raccoon, opossum, skunk, gray squirrel, fox squirrel, beaver, muskrat, mink, red fox, gray fox, or long-tailed weasel that is discovered damaging property. You must report the taking of the animal to a conservation officer within 72 hours. If the animal is released, it must be released in the county of capture and permission must be obtained from the property owner. The conservation officer will direct you as how to dispose of the animal.';

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