Saturday, January 16, 2010

Trapping squirrels I need plans, directions on how to build a trap to catch these animals.?

I am very handy and would like to build a trap to catch them live then release them. Then I will cover the access hole into my veranda so they cant get back in.Trapping squirrels I need plans, directions on how to build a trap to catch these animals.?
You might could order a live trap, or study the design of the metal live traps available and modify the design.

In case there is a nest, you can hook up lights and a radio to disturb them. They may move on their own, which takes a little time when they have babies. After they move then plug all openings with hardware cloth or similar. They usually are busy during the day, you could relocate a nest outdoors. If you can get them to leave on their own that's usually best. Penny of prevention being worth a pound of cure and all that jazz..

But best to get this done without babies being involved, so do this before breeding season. If you have a wildlife rehab center/animal rescue center near you they may have more ideas.

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