what kind of bait do they like?Trapping a squirrel,help?
BIRD FEEDTrapping a squirrel,help?
In my personal experience, I have found trapping a squirrel to be nearly impossible. I've heard people say bread, peanut butter, cat food, basically anything that has some smell and would be edible. Your best bet is just to buy a pellet gun and shoot them or a 22 if your not in the city.
bird food and raw corn on the cob. They will flock to both of these.
Well when I first got my live trap, I tried everything and nothing seemed to work. It turned out that it was not so much the bait, but my method that was hurting me. Here is what you do (if it is a cage like, live trap, with a trip door).....
1. Take a normal 8.5 X 11 sheet of paper %26amp; fold it to size, so it is like a floor at the back half of the trap.
2. Take small bits of apple and put peanut butter on one side. Use the peanut butter as a glue to stick the apple chunks to the paper. It is critical to make them walk around inside the trap, so put the apple bits in the back corners and off center along the back.
3. * MUST DO* Put the trap in the box that it came in, with only the front door sticking out of the box. The box with stop them from reaching through. If you do not do this, you will find an empty trap with no bait inside. If you threw the box away, then use anything as a trap cover (an old pillow case, plastic trash bag, will do the trick, but the box is best).
4. Place some apple bits in front of %26amp; into the door of the trap.
5. GET READY FOR SOME SQUIRRELS!!! I went from catching none, to an average of 5 a day for almost a week, when I used this method.
The yard and attic are now squirrel free (when a stray shows up to my now unclaimed yard, it only takes a day to get rid of it).
I do this for a living and theyare about the easiest thing to catch
I always use peanut butter on the trap and chum them in with roasted peanuts
Works every time
My record so far is15 minutes
they'll eat anything, and i mean ANYTHING, well anything within reason
like acorns, pine cons, cat food, dog food, pears, apples, corn, cracked corn, pecans, bird seed, sunflower seeds, peanut butter mixed with dry cat food or bird seed, bird suit (not sure how to spell it- it's bird seed in lard), figs, blackberries, blueberries, strawberries
Years ago I raised two baby squirrels that had been knocked from their nest by Blue Jays. Their favorite foods were peanut butter on anything and ketchup on the bone of fried chicken legs. They would chew the bones for hours, which wore down their teeth. That was a good thing since their teeth continue to grow as long as they are alive. Without something hard to gnaw on their teeth would soon become so long they could no longer eat. Just be careful; they will bite and scratch when you try to remove them from the trap.
Good luck!
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