Whole Peanuts in the shell.Stick them to the Bait/Trigger Tray with Peanut Butter.Peanut Butter by itself won't work....
I have caught and re-located literally dozens of Squirrels (live)using whole Peanuts stuck in Peanut Butter for bait in a Havahart Trap.....Whole Sunflower Seeds stuck in Peanut Butter works as well...The Squirrels have to dig the nut meats out and that in turn springs the trap..What can i use to bait a squirrel trap other than dried corn, Walnuts or pecans?
the best researched answer,is some dry crackers(preferably water crackers)with peanut-butter on them,with the sunflower seeds and/or dryd corn and/or whole(inside the shell)peanuts thouroughly sprinkled onto the peanut
butter...forming 3 delicious layers of cracker peanutbutter and sprinkles.
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and peanut butter does work for your info....you just dont know how to use it ^_^..
hillary FTW fool.
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Peanut butter cookies.
Pumpkin Seeds and Sunflower Seeds.*
I always use peanut butter on a piece of bread. You say it does not work. try some creamy peanut butter with whole peanuts stuck to it. You might try to leave one of two peanuts right before the trigger plate.
Our back yard squirrels sure love peanuts and sunflower seeds.
Bird seed.
any food the squirrel has been exposed to before will work for the trap. If your squirrels never saw peanutbutter they won't go for it.
Areas with lots of people who have birdfeeders, use birdseed
When I was in college there was a fellow student who was in his first year or two of vet school, he built a blowgun to hunt squirrels from his dorm room window, using popcorn and potato chips as bait
I would also try a picture of hillary clinton, the squirrel will either be scared to death, or very intrigued by that large nut
any of those will work
My god she should use that in the next add campaign!!!!!!!!!!
peanut butter on bread. place just under the trap trigger if using a box trap. it will force the squirrel to ';dig it out '; giving a better trigger rate
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